Stoins helps you stay motivated to reach your daily step goal. It's a step counter with a twist. Go for a walk, collect Stoins and use them to repair your walking streak.
If being active and feeling great is not incentive enough, there are countless (not really) achievements to be unlocked in Stoins.
Never break your walking streak again. After reaching your daily goal each additional step gets converted into one Stoin. Use Stoins to repair your streak.
Let's say your goal is to walk 10.000 steps a day. One day you walk 15.000 and receive 5000 Stoins. Use these Stoins the next day so you only need to walk 5000 steps to reach your goal.
Lock and home screen widgets help you to keep an eye on your current progress.
Hitting your daily step goal is something to be proud of. Share your progress and streak with your friends and challenge them to beat your step count.